Jan 21, 2010

Strong Man

The strong man.

He is strong,
because he can beat a lady in arm wrestling.

He is strong,
because he can make people laugh just by talking.

He is strong
because he has big biceps. *shy*

He is strong,
because he can make a lady happy by letting her won twice in arm wrestling.

He is strong,
because he can make a lady treat us 4 shots of wisky with his eyes.

He is strong,
yet he is sweet.

written by Nomi
on 21 Jan 2010


[SK] said...

emmm, who is this strong man??
btw, beat a lady in arm wrestling?? that is not strong, haha~~ :p

Naomi said...

This strong man is a man. hehehehe. Arm wrestling is very fun!

bubbleberry said...

wu lelak kuat :D~

Naomi said...

lelaki kuat, sangat kuat o. hehehe