Oct 5, 2009

CC clean your lappy or computer!

The month of October has just begun with Facebook hacked by slimming pills ads.

This hacker is very smart in deceiving people. I noticed that the ads are not always have the same wording.

I'm 8 1/2 pounds lighter thanks to the FREE trial pack of this new colon cleanser that I got! visit ColonCleanerXL.com to get yours! uXE


I'm 8 1/2 pounds lighter thanks to the FREE trial pack of this new colon cleanser that I got! visit ColonCleanerXL.com to get yours! Cuv

I got these 2 ads from 2 of my friends' Facebooks. Do you notice any difference? One ends with uxE and another ends with Cuv. I was almost deceived by it too. But I refrained myself from clicking it. When I saw more and more people having same ads, it is confirmed a hacker!

Last month, actually there is some kind of warning this is coming. When there are lots of application auto tag the picture outcomes from the applications. 


Most of the applications are like 'Fans count', 'friends count' or bla bla. Usually those people who like to make statistic of how popular they are will play this application. No denial that I tried the application too. Not soon after I see how popular I am, I read a post of warning bout these application. So I fast fast delete the application and fast fast post out the warning.


Maybe because I am an unpopular nerd, seems like everyone ignored my post and continue the application.


A guy once did not believe me that these application have problem, and willing to take responsibility if anyone's computer get virus or whatsoever! 


It was such a relief that someone willing to be responsible. So now we can blame him if our Facebook got hacked!




Jokes aside, everyone's Facebook got hacked, please cc clean your computer with CCleaner

Suddenly my post also changed its style... puhlease don't hack my blog!!
Please click my ads if you like the post. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

I had the same message on my FB. Makes me mad! What is this CCleaner and how do I get it?

Naomi said...

Can get it from this http://www.ccleaner.com/
Ccleaner clean spyware, act like antivirus.

someone told me that change password can help too.. and regularly delete your browser cookies.