Aug 5, 2011

Non size S Single lady

For someone who stayed in Thai for too long, tend to forget not every woman is in size 'S'.

Every lady in Thai is so petite, but not married woman.

BEWARE THAT it is different in Malaysia, or should I say it is different in many other country.

Comparing to Canadian, American, most Malaysian can still consider petite even in size 'XL'.

Big boobs and not size 'S' doesn't mean she is a married woman.

I can only assume that in Thai, only married woman or tranverstite, or with the power of plastic surgery, ladies can have big boobs. 

Mind you, being a single lady who is not a size 'S' is not an offence in Malaysia. Perhaps it is an offence in Thai.

Now shoot me for being bigger than size 'S'.

Whose satisfaction are we searching for anyway? Yours? Or Mine?


foongpc said...

LOL! I noticed that most Thai people are slim - maybe it's their food and they walk more than Malaysians? : )

Ghostynana said...

ya slimmer. I think is their food and walk a lot too

suituapui said...

Console yourself. I'm size XXXL or bigger. Sobssss!!!