Jun 14, 2011

Mother lied for your own good

"There are ghost out there when it is raining on a sunny day."

"Don't dirty your table with rice while eating, or else you will get a spouse with many pimples."

"Left few rice in your bowl when you finish your meal, so you will get more rice."

"Don't shake your legs while eating, you will shake off all your wealth."

"Don't be naughty, that white/dark skin guy eat kids!"

Now you know why we behaved when we were kids. 

Nowadays not many parents scared their children with all these so-called folklore or lies. Although these sound like lies, these actually there is truth behind it.

"There are ghost out there when it is raining on a sunny day."
If my my mother didn't scared us with the ghost. We would play with the rain. Even the day is hot, it does not mean the rain won't make us feel cold. Heat from hot ground, produced by sudden rain can cause sore throat easily.

"Don't dirty your table with rice while eating, or else you will get a spouse with many pimples."
It is quite a common sense. Clearly our mother didn't want us to play our rice when having our meal. so we are presentable while having our meal in restaurant.

"Left few rice in your bowl when you finish your meal, so you will get more rice."
So we kids won't caught licking our bowl clean.

"Don't shake your legs while eating, you will shake off all your wealth."
No one want an earthquake on a table.

"Don't be naughty, that white/dark skin guy eat kids!"
Don't talk to strangers!

Did your mother scare you with these folklore too?


AngeL BeaR said...


"don't cut your nails in the night, it will grow longer like the hantu!"

"jangan nyanyi malam2, nanti tu puntianak dingar!"

"jangan jalan saturang di tepi jalan, nanti ada tu 'pengait' (tukang potong kepala budak mau bikin jambatan) ambik kau!"

"jangan tiarap di lantai/sofa, nanti hantu duduk belakang!"

ah...those good old days... =)

Naomi said...

oh my!!! dah lama tak dengar itu semua. Yang pakai kepala bikin jambatan tu, sampai mimpi saya pun ada, mimpi ada jambatan yang banyak tengkorak . wahhahah

Ensurai said...

Nice to be reminded of all these...thanks....mothers know how to teach their kids using their best methodologies...today teachers are frantically searching of new delivery systems...hahahaha