Nov 26, 2012

Sincerity counts!

It is a somehow miraculous that you can know different type of people by a simple compliment or a  sincere 'how is your day today?'

During lunch time, I went out with a young colleague. When we went to pay for someone's parking coupon, she compliment the lady's eyelashes. Somehow, the lady revealed that she also makeup for brides. How would you know that the lady who work at parking coupon booth also work as a makeup artist.

It is much better to throw all unhappiness away and focus on something goods going around. you may be doing someone's chore but you can gain something when doing it.

My mum always have good aura. When she wanted to buy a smartphone, she won Samsung Advance from Petronas oil station.

smile and be happy SINCERELY!

1 comment:

[SK] said...

i heard some saying that when you meet a person it's like looking into yourself in the mirror, when you smile they other person will give you a smile in return..