Oct 7, 2013

Romantic Bullshit

In Judith Mcnaught's novel, he always potrayed her heroin as educated lady which was very rare in old days. Hero will find ordinary ladies as boring subject. When he met her, who is different from other ladies, that is what attracted him to her. She is never a boring subject and always has some ideas in her mind.

I spent my 20s believing in this rubbish. What a rubbish!

Man actually prefer weak and simple ladies with no opinion or ambition. Or ladies who knows how to hide their cleverness, and pretend to be stupid.


CWMartin said...

Not all men... but I agree, men don't often want to be challenged by their ladies. But, you know, books about real life relationships wouldn't get read.

Little Wayne said...

If you're strong and independent, then be proud of yourself. Why measure the quality of your life based on the presence, or the lack of, men in it? It's the 21st century, you shouldn't be depending on men. It's better to own your own money than to rely on a male partner.

Naomi said...

