Apr 28, 2012

Life on instagram

Recently I am indulging into instagram. An mobile application where you can apply filters to make it yellowish and publish it online. It can make blur photos nicer. I don't have steady hands, so this is useful for me.

Somehow I stumbled into someone instagram and she is quitting it. Here is her blog: http://kloquercio.wordpress.com/. Someone even can attack someone via instagram. Is it that bad?

Even someone can take instagram as life? Taking life back from instagram. I thought only Facebook can take someone's life!!....

I am going to have a life with my blog.. I don't want to break up with you yet, ghostynana.



Anonymous said...

Kloquercio here! So I just looked at my Wordpress stats and saw I was an outgoing link in your blog!

After reading your post though I still can't decipher whether or not you are insulting me.

Can you clear me up on that? Are you dissing my posts about Instagram and how I deleted it? Are you saying you disagree with my experience or something? Haha I literally cannot tell.

Ghostynana said...

Hi Kloquecio. I wa just amazed how instagram have to power to make someone so obsessive with it. It is not insulting anyone. I always thought only Facebook have that power to make people addictive to Facebook. Cheers!