Oct 10, 2010

Comfortable Zone Episode 2

Once your comfortable zone is intruded, does your body emit an alarm, 'someone is entering your exclusion zone... Someone is entering your exclusion zone...' This sound like the navigation software we have here, Tigerfish (actually is Triggerfish). 

How small is your comfortable zone?

Mine is medium size. 

Recently someone kept appearing beside my face, so near that I can feel the person's breath every time the person turn up beside my face. Not only that... I felt so weird.... The feeling is not good, felt like I want to run away whenever the person is present...

Now I smelled something dead in my room.......


Kelvin said...

Ewww, dead roaches?

foongpc said...

Too near for comfort? LOL!!

Naomi said...

Kelvin, no idea what. maybe is only my imagination.

foongpc, too nearrrrrr